Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Oh my gosh, the boys are sleeping through the night! Fantastically ridiculous. For the past 10 days or so, my wife and I have been getting 6-7 hour blocks of sleep and I can't think of any better way to spend an evening. Ever.

Now, the boys wake up around 6:45 and are all smiles. They laugh, giggle, are ticklish and even enjoy bath time now. So life is looking up.

Twin A's new favorite thing is if I blow air into his face. He takes a deep (reflex induced) breath and then cracks up laughing. Twin B is in love with himself. No, really. He looks into a toy mirror we have and talks up a storm. Take it away and he looks stunned. Put it back and he squirms with all kinds of delight and excitement.

We continue to battle the spit-up fairy (which always seems to appear immediately after the putting on of a new outfit) and the boys still do not have neck control. Twin B is getting better at being able to hold his head up for small bits of time, and he even started to grab at things yesterday with his hands! Twin A is content with jabbering up a storm.

It is interesting in terms of their different levels/stages of development. They are starting to demonstrate their differences in personality (Twin A - goofy, Twin B - serious) and how they approach things differently. Twin A doesn't really care about what is around him whereas Twin B is super aware of everything in his immediate vicinity. The best part? All kinds of smiles now. All kinds.

1 comment:

  1. Most Excellent. We went away for a few days once and my younger sister stayed with the kids. Upon calling her on the second day she exclaimed "Oh my God...nap time is the most wonderful thing ever invented!!"
